FAQ and information about your LH Mask
Does the Mask provide a vacuum-like seal?
Yes, properly formed around the face I get 90-95% air through the filters. And upon inhalation the pressure creates a vacuum-like seal and is a less effective seal upon exhalation. (Also included in shipments were 2-6 inch rubber seals that can be used in a rectangular shape around the two air vents or I also found that forming a lip shape around the air chambers also worked good in testing. Otherwise a cloth lining may work to help from overheating/sweating.)
Are there any videos showing how to assemble?
Yes, I recently finished a video that shows what I found was easiest and you will find all the components, like strips of gorilla tape, that I use in the video. https://youtu.be/viW-FVl6vVk
There is also a second video another customer shared with me where they use hot water. But I found some things to difficult to replicate in a normal home in my opinion thus the reason for not melting plastic for a possible better seal. (Actually I tested and found that melted plastic with a flame was too brittle)
2nd video link - https://youtu.be/TZQJ5f6CqH0
What kind of filtering materials do you recommend?
I found this webpage useful in types you can use and their effectiveness. It also lent to the idea of layers of filters being more effective and thus the extended air chambers in the deluxe model. (But even the Regular version can hold up to 2 layers in each chamber.) https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/best-materials-make-diy-face-mask-virus/
Thank You for your purchase.
I really hope you like the hours of modeling and testing I've put into this to make this as effective and functional as possible. If you see any upgrades that might make it more useful, like bigger air chambers for those needing to speak and be heard, then just let me know. I'll take any advice and see if it will work to make a better mask.
And if I can recommend one last thing, please look into the benefits of colloidal silver as I believe that is the most important thing I can offer at this time. It is a natural antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral liquid that I have been taking for over 20 years in small amounts. Recently, Feb 2020, I began taking 4-6 ounces daily to help others feel comfortable about taking what I believe is a more effective dose and to allay any fears about turning blue as the establishment likes to try and scare people with horror stories. So, I won't blow smoke and say it'll fight the coronavirus. But I can say that it will boost your immune system and aid in recovery time.
Good luck, to your health, keep your mind open and keep searching for the truth.
Leo Atreides