Coronavirus Aid Kit Products- **Now Available on Ebay**

How to Make Some Extra MONEY!!

Free Files for 3D printing : Available for any use including monetary to help with the economic impact that is being felt by many.

The Colloidal Silver Generator Machine is another option for making money. You can start making batches of Colloidal SIlver to share and sell. But I would recommend asking for donations and or giving it away for family and friends to test and try out.

Visit my YouTube page : To your Health
to learn how to make your own colloidal silver. Simple and easy to make.

Disclaimer : These products and advice are for non-medical use and make no claim to fight Covid-19 also known as Coronavirus.

Here you will find time tested advice for natural remedies that have proven to be useful in boosting the immune system as well as aid in the recovery time. Culminated over the years and even recently added advice from those surviving the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic I offer what I think may help.

Consider this the Poor Man's Coronavirus Aid and Health Kit.

As for the 3D printed masks, etc I have updated a more ergonomic design made available by Copper 3D. They reference tests that the virus was shown to live for only 3 hours on copper.

And the original study on Hydroxychloroquine, the drug touted by Trump, that was conducted in South Korea also showed zinc was used.

It is for these reasons as well as my testing/using Collodial Silver for over 20 years that I am now taking ounces a day as I believe this is a safe level and is necessary to keep the imunne system boosted. If nothing else investigate, watch Gwenyth Paltrow's video and search for the testimonials of countless others like myself, and you will see an amazing almost forgotten remedy for many ailments.

Currently working on instructional videos to show how to assemble and use. Mask assembly video already released

Good luck, to your health, and keep searching for the truth.

Leo Atriedes

All files in the Coronavirus Aid Kit are also available on Thingiverse.

FAQ and information page

Leo Hack Mask 1
Leo Hack Mask 200 mm
LH Lid
LH Insert
LH Mask with folding flap (old)
LH Mask w FF 200 mm (old)
LH Eye Protector Reg
LH Eye Protector Lrg
Simple Colloidal Silver Generator - Main
Simple Colloidal Silver Generator - Top