Frequently Asked Questions
What is the right pressure range for me?
How often do I need to return?
Will I be sore afterwards?

What is toxin overload?

What is the right pressure range for me ?

  This requires a two part answer. And that depends on whether the treatment is for Therapy or for Relaxation.

  Therapy- If there is a problem area that is causing discomfort and pain then the required treatment is for work to be applied in the "Good Ache" range limit. This is where the pain being caused to be below a certain threshold allowing for the body to relax and for the clients breathing to slow and deepen.

  As where going too far with the pressure can cause people to hold their breath and their muscles to involuntarily tighten up in response to the pain.

  Relaxation- If you're looking for a treatment to help ease the
stresses of the mind then a lighter approach is needed and can be asked for. Here the body is connected through the mind as to where with the deep tissue approach the mind
is connected through the body. In this case relaxing the body with a softer hand helps to ease and clear the mind.

How often do I need to return ?

  It's hard to recommend how often a person should return.
One reason is that each person builds up the stress and tension at different rates from one another. Even at different times the pressure your body wants may be different.

  Another reason is that there are two routes on how often to return. And the determining factor is whether you want to
maintain a balance or if you're looking to improve your overall health and well being.

  Since a massage can only get out so much at a time a person can (A) maintain the balance by coming back when the tightness and pain have built back up again. This may not release all of the tightness in the problem area but it will release enough to stop some if not all of the pain.

  But if a person is finding themselves in struggling with daily pain this is when it is recommended to (B) get another treatment before the pain builds back up again.It's with this approach that it is found that we can make some headway with the muscular release.

  Then when you've reached a place that you feel comfortable with you can begin spacing out the treatments further and further apart to find out how often you should come in for a treatment.

Will I be sore afterwards ?

  This does happen on occasion and here is the rule of thumb to follow.

  If there is soreness later that day I recommend a nice hot bath with 1 Cup of Epsom salts and ½ a cup of Baking Soda.
This helps tremendously but there still may be a little soreness the next day.

  And as long as the soreness dissipates during that next day everything is good. But if the soreness lasts longer than just a day then the treatment was a little too much.

  Make a mental note of the pressure used and ask to get your treatments with a lighter pressure for the next visit or two.

What is toxin overload?

This is when you notice adverse effects during your treatment. This can be dizziness, nausea, and sweating in the beginning. If you override these warnings it could go further with extreme effects like vomiting or even passing out.

Water is recommended at the moment if the person is willing as they may be dehydrated. We ask that the client stay in the chair as their equilibrium may be off for a few minutes afterwards. After a few minutes (4 - 10) the person will begin to feel better.

We recommend for them to drink a detox tea, to take a hot bath with epsom salt and baking soda, drink plenty of water, and to rest to bring the body back to center.

And upon return we advise to get treatments with a lighter pressure for a time or two before returning to the pressure they like the most.