I see a little boy
  saying catch me if you can
Before you know it
  I’ll be a young man

In the world I see coming
  he’ll grow up too soon
But now he needs to sleep
  for it’s half past noon

He learns many things
  as the days go by
Many make him smile
   Some make him cry

But in order to learn balance
  he must have some tears
For if this goes unlearned
   he’ll be crying for years

There are things he needs to know
   Things he needs to see
Things that show him how to live
   and how to live free



A path that once fully seen
  will be hard to hide
When we find that our answers
  are not on a side

I see him at peace
  when I look into his eyes
In touch with the one
  who’s so old and wise

One foot in the future
  One in the past
Is what makes a body
  and mind steadfast

I will teach him
  to be brave and bold
He’ll teach me
  to return to the Old

Leo Atreides

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