“I once held the world
  in the palm of my hand”
So said the Ogre I met
  traveling the desert land

He told of such wonder
  He spoke of such beauty
He had a baby dragon
  More than just a cutie

He found her in the cold
  Almost frozen in a blizzard
Just as he was foretold
  by the blind old wizard

That was why he searched
  That was why he waited
Almost numb to the bone
  Til the cold was clearly hated

He told of becoming a hero
  as he stole the Queens wagon
From the bandits in the forest
  with the help of his dragon

He also spoke of the time
  of much uproar and clamor
As the Queen dubbed him
  “A knight without the armor”

“And for a long time
  I even forgot”
He said with a sigh
  “An Ogre I was not”

“I do what I know
  I know what I do”
“But as to the rest
  I haven’t a clue”

“Shut up you ghouls”
  He shouts to the wind
“Those fables of yours
  will no longer spin”

Then he bends down
  to tie his old worn shoe
As he whispers to the wind
  “But still you continue”

Then he stands
  looks to the sky
One tear falls
  This was his cry

“Who knew when I saw
  a fork in the road”
“Of my wagons demise
  The mules final goad”

The truth of it was
  the stars
    were aligned for luck
This one for the bad
  as the mules
    both gave a buck

“The rock in the middle
  Sliced through like butter”
“More than a Home”
  Over and over he’d mutter

The smile he holds
  as he looks far away
Back to another time
  Back to another day

“I gave my dragon
  the river and the seas”
“She showed me
  the forest in the trees”

Laying in a meadow
  as the clouds puffed by
Searching on a cliff
  from a mother birds cry

“If only my fingers
  weren’t so gnarled and curled”
“In my very palm
  I once held the world”

“When I held a baby dragon
  And the warmth that she gave”
“These are the best of memories
  I will forever save”

Leo Atreides

Sometimes one enjoys
  the simplest of things...
     the simplest of times...

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